The writer of this article Gagan Sharma is a Mumbai based outdoor and adventure travel expert who writes for various publications

Its smart to learn from mistakes of other people. You can also learn about the common mistakes tourists make in Paris mentioned below and make sure to avoid them while visiting Paris. This would make you trip even more enjoyable.

Visiting Only Louvre Museum – Its quite surprising that majority of tourists in Paris only visits Louvre Museum. The painting of Mona Lisa is the prime attraction of the museum. However later tourists feel sorry for missing out on several other museums like Rodin Museum, Centre de Pompidou on their visit.

Short Trip To Paris – Around 8 million tourists to Paris only spend average of 2.7 nights in the city. Its awfully less time to visit one of the most popular tourist destination in the world. It is advised that tourists should spend at least 7 days in Paris to enjoy all the major attractions as well dinning and shopping.

Sightseeing Only Major Attractions РThis is the most common mistake tourists make in Paris. Most of the tourists only visits Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Even in the case of Lourve Museum, tourists cut short their trip by visiting only Mona Lisa. There are other attractions like Parisian Catacombs, La Madeleine, Sacr̩ Coeur etc that too should be visited by the travelers.

Driving in Paris – Driving a car in Paris could be nightmare for the tourists considering there are several roundabouts without lane markings, parking problems etc. Driving in Paris is difficult even for the locals. Its better to opt for Metro or Bus as the means of transportation in Paris.

Overspending on Food – Several tourists go for a fancy restaurant and orders best wine and cheese for dinner. These tourists ends up spending a lot of the food that they regret later. Its better that tourists stick to fixed price they would like to spend on food in Paris.

Top of the Eiffel Tower РA view of Paris from top of the Eiffel Tower is something every tourist wants to see. However in the tourist season of Paris during Peak hours one could have to wait in lines for hours just to get to the top of Eiffel Tower. In several cases tourists end up disappointed due to thick smog that ruins the view. There are several other points to get a view of entire city. One such point is Sacr̩ Coeur.

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